Tuesday, April 24, 2007

balance training no circus tricks needed.

You may have seen them before, people in the gym that believe that they are training for the circus. They hop up on to a stability ball and start doing a number of different exercises. You think to your self two things one are they training for the circus and two that must really be great. Or three like me what a stupidly reckless thing to do.

Does it create better athletes, or train more strength ? The best answer is no it does not. This is for a number of reasons.

  1. It is super high risk for the benefit. There are many better pieces of equipment that train balance compared to standing on a ball or even a Bosu trainer for that matter.
  2. your feet are in a bad anatomical position, you tell me one sport that your feet need to be everted. Think real hard. I cannot think of one. So you may be training some balance but you are also training bad bio mechanics of the body. This can and will over time cause issues.
  3. It an ego thing... and truth be told not all that hard to do. It is not even as hard as a full squat on one leg in a pistol position.

So if you see some one doing this ask them if they are training for the circus.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Generation XXXL

I find it odd that the thin kids are now in the minority.

Are we killing our kids and our selves with the lifestyle we choose. We eat fast food with little to no nutritional value and expect not have any issues.

Our children need to have balanced meals starting with break fast. When I say this I do not mean that they should have a Mc cheese burger with the apple side.

But how can we be mad at our children when it is us that also have the addictions to sugar, high saturated fat, quick and easy foods that we do not have to think about.

Ok, so you want to know how to change this I will let you know. First we have to change what is in our fridges and cupboards. Get rid of the proccessed foods. More info on this tomorrow.

Welcome to Three Peaks Kinesiology

hope you are all ready for the Three Peaks Blog.

we welcome all of our clients and friends to ask us questions.
In the coming weeks you will be informed of many different topics from health and fitness to nutrition and sports specific conditoning.

get ready..