Friday, October 17, 2008

Canadian Kinesiology Week – October 19-25, 2008

It is time to Celebrate Kinesiology.

Mississauga - October 2008 - October 19-25, 2008 is Canadian Kinesiology Week. TheCanadian Kinesiology Alliance/ Alliance canadienne de kinésiologie (CKA / ACK) represents anational membership of 3000 practicing Kinesiologists.This year, Canadian Kinesiology Week falls during Healthy Workplace Month (September 29,2008 to October 26, 2008). More information may be found as well as weekly tests for yourworkplace at We challenge you to look at ways that canimprove the health of your workplace all year round. Healthy workers are productive at homeand work. Designing a workplace that contributes to health allows employers to attain and retainvaluable human resources.During Canadian Kinesiology Week, Canadians are invited to learn more about Kinesiologistspracticing across the country and the various fields to which kinesiology is applied withinCanada. Look for events, educational seminars and displays at many places whereKinesiologists are employed across Canada.Kinesiologists are human movement specialists offering a wide variety of assessments andservices to the public to assist with injury and illness prevention and management. Our practiceis based on the core sciences of anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and psychomotorbehaviour through completion of a four year honours bachelor of science degree in Kinesiology(or equivalent).Kinesiologists apply the discipline to many fields. We are recognized for our roles and expertisein the areas of Health and Safety, Ergonomics, Disability Management, Assessment, Physicaland Vocational Rehabilitation, and Fitness, to name a few. Kinesiologists who are members ofthe CKA / ACK fulfill core competency and continuing education requirements.For further information please visit our website at

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