Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Blame Your Genes if your are a lazy mouse!

Well here is more bull to fuel the people that say it is not me I am just genetically lazy and fat.
Why people get to research this stuff is beyond me.
First it was done on mice.
So if you are a mouse or a person that believes they are a mouse this article is for you. If not you should try this work out

Click Here for your new body in 4 minutes a day only!

Now if you are not even going to do 4 minutes you must be a mouse. So say hello to Mikey for me.

So here is an article that I came by today, http://sify.com/news/scienceandmedicine/fullstory.php?id=14718015

Are you a couch potato who hates getting up and working out? Well, as it turns out you may just be able to blame your genes for your lazy disposition.
While working out is known to be the key to manage good health, two new studies suggest that the inclination to engage in physical activity may be strongly affected by genetics.

While not much research has been done into the effects of genetics on human activity, recent studies on mice have indicated strong genetic influences.
In one of the recent studies a team led by University of North Carolina at Charlotte kinesiologist J. Timothy Lightfoot identified six locations on the mouse chromosome where differences had a strong relationship to activity, indicating at least six genes that individually can affect activity.
A second genetic study by the same team found seventeen other genetic locations that were also having an effect on activity levels by interacting with each other, a genetic effect known as epistasis.

once again here is your chance. Click Here for your new body in 4 minutes a day only!

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