Monday, September 15, 2008

A bronzes and a loonie Great Work Donavon

Hey did you that one of the world great sporting events is still going on in China. yes that is right the Paralympics is still being held.

One of the problems I have is that you have great athletes over there competing for their respective countries and yet there is only limited coverage by major new stations.

Well I have had the pleasure of knowing one of these fine athletes Donovan Tildesley, he is one of my young Sigma Chi fraternity brothers and a great athlete and stellar guy.

Yesterday Donovan swam his last race and even though he could not add to his bronze metal from earlier in the week he put in a great performance.
If you want to learn more about Donovan and where on his he had a loonie when was swimming check out his dads blog.

Just think how much Donovan has accomplished and think of all the things that you can do.

Once again great work Donavan cannotr wait to talk to you when you get back to Canada.

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