Monday, September 22, 2008

I feed 30 people today how many can you feed?

With Thanksgiving is only a few weeks away I ask you what are you thankful for?

Your health, the great food you enjoy, your great life style, your great life.

Well you too can help others enjoy a simple pleasures in life, a hot healthy thanksgiving dinner and it will only cost you $ 2.59 per person you feed. Come on that is less then your Starbucks coffee this morning. I donated 1 hour of my work and that will feed 30 people.

This Thanksgiving, Union Gospel mission will provide thousands of warm, hearty meals to residents of Vancouver, New Westminster and Mission, BC. Your contribution will make a meaningful difference in the lives of the hungry, hurting and homeless people we serve.

Click Here To Donate!

thank you I hope you enjoy your thanks giving as much as they will.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

lack of veggie leads to obesity in teenage girls.

Here is a great article on why eating your veggies is important to keeping the fat away.

By Terri Coles
TORONTO (Reuters) – Many teenage girls are not getting the nutrients they need to ensure healthy development, putting them at risk for weight-related problems and cardiovascular disease.
Female adolescence is an important time for setting up adult health, as nutritional needs change because of increased growth and the beginning of menstruation, said Andy Bellatti, who runs the popular nutrition blog Small Bites. But studies have shown that on average, teenage girls are not getting enough fiber, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium or vitamins A, E and B in their diets, and are eating too much saturated fat and sodium, said Bellatti, who is also a graduate student in New York University’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies and Public Health.
“There’s a lot of work that needs to be done,” he said.
In American adolescents aged 12 to 19, the obesity rate has more than tripled from 5 percent to 17 percent over the last three decades, according to the Institute of Medicine. Research suggests that these children are likely to remain overweight into adulthood. One study showed that about 80 percent of kids who were overweight from ages 10 to 15 will be overweight as adults, and another found that 25 percent of obese adults were overweight kids.

read more here

You should ensure that you are getting your veggies and also all of you vitamines and minerals each day Check out and get double X vitamines to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need every day. Also check out fruiji 's snack bars the are a great way of getting more veggies and fruit into your diet.

4 ultra effective core stability exercises.

Today I decided to have one of my good friends and fellow Registered kinesiologist guest blog for me. Rick Kaselj
Hey you can pick up his free report "Discover the 5 Myths about Core Training" just click on the link.
About Rick Kaselj
Rick Kaselj is a Registered Kinesiologist and ACE Certified Personal Trainer with a passion for exercise therapy. Rick designs effective exercise programs that safely and rapidly help one recover from an injury, medical conditions and musculoskeletal pain. Rick presents courses on exercise therapy across Canada and publishes a monthly FITNESS & REHAB newsletter for health and fitness professionals looking for the latest information on improving health, fitness, rehabilitation and sport. To reach Rick or to subscribe to his monthly newsletter,
Effective Core Stability Exercises
Core stability exercises have become a key component to an exercise program. They are prescribed for improving sports performance, keeping fit, when you are recovering from a back injury and even when you injury your knee. In recent years, fitness and health experts have understood the importance of core stability training exercises and have been giving it to the majority of their clients.

Benefits of Core Stability Exercises
Core stability exercises help in the development of strong trunk muscles. It also minimizes the risk of both chronic and acute injury, as weak core muscles increases the risk lower back and knee injuries. Core stability of the body helps prevent injury, enhances body’s performance and decrease the stress on your lower back.

4 Core Stability Exercises
Here are four core stability exercises you can add to your exercise program:

Plank Exercise - The first exercise core stability exercise plan is the plank exercise. In the plank exercise, you need to support your body on your forearms/elbows and toes in such a way that, the body lies in a straight position. Now try to hold the same position for 10 to 20 seconds. You may perform two or three sets of this core stability exercise daily.

Side Plank Exercise - The second exercise is the side plank exercise. In this exercise, you need to lie on your side. The position of your elbow needs to be under the shoulder and you lift your body off the floor so your body is in a straight line. Try to hold the same position for 10 to 20 seconds. You may perform two or three sets of this core stability exercise daily.

Gluteal Bridge - The third is the Gluteal Bridge. To perform this exercise, you need to bend your knees and lie on the floor. Then you activate your core, push through your heels and lift your hips off the floor until they line up with the rest of your body. You need to keep your shoulders on the floor. Try to hold the same position for 10 to 20 seconds. You may perform two or three sets of this core stability exercise daily.

Chop Rotation Exercise - The fourth is the chop rotation exercise. In this core stability exercise plan, you need to use a pulley column. Next, kneel down on your knees near the pulley column and pull the pulley handle downwards. When pulling the pulley handle downwards, make sure that you turn your wrist and rotate your shoulders. You may perform 2 to 3 sets with 8 to 10 repetitions of this core stability exercise.

Core Stability Training Conclusion
These are four effective core stability training exercises that you can add to your exercise program. These exercises are good for someone that has a healthy back and who has no back pain. If your back is weak or your have low back pain, it is best you start off with the exercises in Rick Kaselj’s book Core Stability of the Back.
This is a great book and will help you with your back soreness.

hey you can pick up his free report "Discover the 5 Myths about Core Training" just click on the link.
once again I would love to hear your comments in health Paul K Turner BHKIN RK CEP CFT

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

6 super food that will help with fat loss and your overall health.

So it is middle of september and many of you are back to the gym and trying to get back into your routines. so here are some great food that you should have in your diet.

Blackberries along with blueberries are super fruits. Blackberries are loaded with antioxidants, soluble fiber, vitamin C and anththrocyanidins. They also offer 3.5 grams of fiber per cup. So add them into a shake or as a part of your snacks.

Almonds are great for building muscle and fighting off hunger cravings. They also are alkalizing to your system which helps with your acid base balance in your body. Almonds are high in protein and monounsaturated fat (which is a good type of fat for your body). And a handful of almonds will give you about half of your daily requirement of vitamin E. Almonds also contain calcium which help your bone health and magnesium which is important for muscle building. You can and should eat about 1-3 handfuls a day which will do a great job at suppressing your appetite.

Artic Char

I love Artic Char, it has an abundance of Omega 3 fatty acids that your body needs to help your heart stay healthy and your brain function at a high level. It has also been shown that a diet high in fish helps prevent and treat mood disorders and depression. Omega 3, have also been shown to help speed up metabolism helping with weight loss. So eat your Char , and other fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and herring at least 3 times per week, along with fish oil everyday.

Black Beans
Great for building muscle, burning fat, and regulating digestion, just watch for the side effects. Black beans are a good source of protein, fiber and iron. They are a rich source of antioxidants. They are also a great meat alternative.

Popeye sure was right about eating your spinach. It is great for increasing nutrient stores and fighting obesity. Rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, magnesium and several antioxidants. It is also a great source of folic acid which helps protect against cardiovascular diseases and colon cancer. It is also needed for women who are pregnant or thinking about becoming.

Eggs ( farm fresh, organic or free range are best)
Eggs are packed with a variety of nutrients including protein, zinc, iron and vitamins A, D, E and B12. Research has shown that eating eggs helps stabilizes blood glucose levels, promotes the loss of body fat and reduces the loss of lean tissue. Eggs are also a great snack on the go when boiled.

My phone can create popcorn??

I have always wondered what would be the next thing that cell phone companies would try to bundle into a cell phone.

So it looks like they can make popcorn. So i wonder if i should look at getting a shield for the phone??
Téléphone Portable + Maïs = Pop-corn - Videos humour

Monday, September 15, 2008

A bronzes and a loonie Great Work Donavon

Hey did you that one of the world great sporting events is still going on in China. yes that is right the Paralympics is still being held.

One of the problems I have is that you have great athletes over there competing for their respective countries and yet there is only limited coverage by major new stations.

Well I have had the pleasure of knowing one of these fine athletes Donovan Tildesley, he is one of my young Sigma Chi fraternity brothers and a great athlete and stellar guy.

Yesterday Donovan swam his last race and even though he could not add to his bronze metal from earlier in the week he put in a great performance.
If you want to learn more about Donovan and where on his he had a loonie when was swimming check out his dads blog.

Just think how much Donovan has accomplished and think of all the things that you can do.

Once again great work Donavan cannotr wait to talk to you when you get back to Canada.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hidden Dangers of Your Excess Abdominal Fat - It's More Serious Than a Vanity Issue

So Today I decided to do something different My friend Mike Geary wanted to do a guest spot on my blog, so here you go also let me know if you want his new ebook gift that he has given me. The insiders secrets to a lean body.

by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer

Did you know that the vast majority of people in this day and age have excess abdominal fat? The first thing that most people think of is that their extra abdominal fat is simply ugly, is covering up their abs from being visible, and makes them self conscious about showing off their body.

However, what most people don't realize is that excess abdominal fat in particular, is not only ugly, but is also a dangerous risk factor to your health. Scientific research has clearly demonstrated that although it is unhealthy in general to have excess body fat throughout your body, it is also particularly dangerous to have excess abdominal fat.

There are two types of fat that you have in your abdominal area. The first type that covers up your abs from being visible is called subcutaneous fat and lies directly beneath the skin and on top of the abdominal muscles.

The second type of fat that you have in your abdominal area is called visceral fat, and that lies deeper in the abdomen beneath your muscle and surrounding your organs. Visceral fat also plays a role in giving certain men that "beer belly" appearance where their abdomen protrudes excessively but at the same time, also feels sort of hard if you push on it.

Both subcutaneous fat and visceral fat in the abdominal area are serious health risk factors, but science has shown that having excessive visceral fat is even more dangerous than subcutaneous fat. Both of them greatly increase the risk your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, sleep apnea, various forms of cancer, and other degenerative diseases.
Part of the reason visceral fat is particularly dangerous is that it apparently releases more inflammatory molecules into your body on a consistent basis.

If you care about the quality of your life and your loved ones, reducing your abdominal fat should be one of your TOP priorities! There's just no way around it. Besides, a side-effect of finally getting rid of all of that excessive ugly abdominal fat is that your stomach will flatten out, and if you lose enough stomach fat, you will be able to visibly see those sexy six pack abs that everyone wants.

So what gets rid of extra abdominal fat? Is there actually a REAL solution beyond all of the gimmicks and hype that you see in ads and on commercials for "miracle" fat loss products?
The first thing you must understand is that there is absolutely NO quick fix solution. There are no pills or supplements of any sort that will help you lose your abdominal fat faster. Also, none of the gimmicky ab rockers, rollers, or ab belts will help get rid of abdominal fat either. You can't spot reduce your stomach fat by using any of these worthless contraptions. It simply doesn't work that way.

The ONLY solution to consistently lose your abdominal fat and keep it off for good is to combine a sound nutritious diet full of unprocessed natural foods with a properly designed strategic exercise program that stimulates the necessary hormonal and metabolic response within your body. Both your food intake as well as your training program are important if you are to get this right.

I've actually even seen a particular study that divided thousands of participants into a diet-only group and an exercise/diet group. While both groups in this study made good progress, the diet-only group lost significantly LESS abdominal fat than the diet & exercise combined group.
Now the important thing to realize is that just any old exercise program will not necessarily do the trick. The majority of people that attempt getting into a good exercise routine are NOT working out effectively enough to really stimulate the loss of stubborn abdominal fat. I see this everyday at the gym.

Most people will do your typical boring ineffective cardio routines, throw in a little outdated body-part style weight training, and pump away with some crunches and side bends, and think that they are doing something useful for reducing their abdominal fat. Then they become frustrated after weeks or months of no results and wonder where they went wrong.
Well, the good news is that I've spent over a decade researching this topic, analyzing the science, and applying it "in the trenches" with myself as well as thousands of my clients from all over the world to see what works to really stimulate abdominal fat loss.

The entire solution... all of the nutritional strategies, as well as training sequences, exercise combinations, and more have all been compiled in my Truth About Six Pack Abs Program. Keep in mind that the point of this whole program is NOT abdominal exercises (that is only a very small portion of it). The main point of this program is showing you the absolute most effective strategies for losing your stubborn abdominal fat, so you can get rid of that dangerous health risk, as well as get a flatter more defined midsection.

If you follow the guidelines, you WILL lose your belly fat that has been plaguing you for years. This is not guesswork... it is a proven system that works time and time again for all of my clients on every corner of the globe that actually apply the information I teach. If you apply it, the results will come. It's really that simple.

The only reason most people fail in their fitness goals is that they have good intentions at first to adopt a new lifestyle, yet after a few weeks or months, they abandon their good intentions and slip right back into their old bad habits that gave them the excess body fat in the first place.
I want to help you succeed in finally getting rid of that extra abdominal fat that is not only UGLY, but also DANGEROUS.

Don't waste another day allowing that nasty abdominal fat to kill your confidence as well as contribute to your risk for MAJOR diseases.

Get the solution to rid yourself for life of this problem at...Click Here!

Train hard, eat right, and enjoy life!
Mike GearyCertified Nutrition SpecialistCertified Personal TrainerAuthor - The Truth about Six Pack Abs



All right many of you many have had times when you have eaten more after a really hard work out. I bet that you have never even thought about how much more you eat after doing really hard mental tasks.

Think of the lasttime that you had a really stressfull day. Thing did you give into your food triggers easier? Did you go for a comfort food? Did you eat an extra helping? Well you miogh have and not know why

New reseach out of Laval is starting to show that we seem to consume more calories after hard mental tasks . This could account for the increases in weight that we see with many individuals that have stressfull desk jobs.

The reseach team "found that the stress-induced hormone cortisol increased with mental work. Demanding intellectual activities also had an impact on glucose levels, on which the brain relies for its energy metabolism." However Exercise may be the best way to counter the effects. This might balance between the food you eat and the energy you spend in a day if you don't have a physical job,"

Check out the full article here.

So here are 4 ways that you can try and break the stress, so that you are not compelled to eat more.

  1. Drink More Water , yes Hydration will help you control you appetite better. you shoudl consume 1/2 your body weight in oz so if you weigh 140 pounds you need 70 oz of water daily. The extra water will also increase your metabolism.

  2. Ok I know that we are all busy but you still can squeeze 4-20 minutes of exercise each day. I reccomend interval style workouts that really make you work hard for a short peroid of time. If you are a busy Click Here for your new body in 4 minutes a day only!Ryan Lees 4minute
  3. Plan your meals and don't go hungry. Eat every 2 hours.
  4. Eat more vegetables and lean proteins.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Tapp Water Sucks!

OK I will admit that yes we here in Vancouver area and in BC we do have a pristine source of drinking water. We have some if not the best drinking water anywhere in the world.

However, it still needs to be filtered to take out the chlorine that they dump into our drinking water .

I also feel that it is important to guard your health. During times of turbidity their is a huge incease in sediments in the drinking water system, bringing along with it a Host of on wanted sediments are potential not so good microbes.

So yes drink the tap water. It may help your body but it will not harm it.

If you really want a high quaility water filter like a e Springs filration system that will really help make your water taste clean and elimanate any sediments .The esprings in-home water-treatment system, with a patented carbon-block filter and UV light, reduces the harmful -effects of contaminants and destroys microorganisms.

If you still want to drink bottled water make it count drink a premium water that is filtered and alkiline like Perfect Water.

and check out e springs water filters located in the health section.

Scott Richmond called back up to Jay's

For all of you that have been following Scott Richmond and his progress with both the jays and in the minors. He has been recalled to the Jays as of yesterday. He should get another shot at the pitching rotation again very soon.

So once again I cannot wait to watch him pitch big league player out.
Hey you might not be a professional player like Scott but you can benifit like he did from our Fascial stretch therapy programs. If you live in the vancouver area send me a quick email and we will arrange a time for you first appointment.
If you are out of town well maybe you need to look into one of our reccomended strength programs.
Click Here! to build some serious strength.

kinesiology gave me a new lease on life.

So I like to highlight my great clients that work hard and get great results. I have been working with Curtis for 8 months and he has made an amazing change s in his fitness and his overall outlook. He is stronger, has more stamina and he is great to work with. I always feel it is better to read it in their words. So here is Curtis's tesimonial.

I had just retired at 65 and wanted to regain my health. I had constant backache and had been on anti-depressants for a number of years. My doctor recommended exercise as the alternative treatment for depression, and my physiotherapist referred me to Paul Turner at Three Peaks Kinesiology to create an exercise program to strengthen my back.

I found Paul to be very supportive, knowledgeable, and careful, he quickly gained my trust. At the beginning he knew how to keep me going even when I became discouraged.

Within a short time it felt good to be using my muscles and connect to the strength in my body again. There have been significant improvements in my leg strength and balance, and I have been free of anti-depressants for 6 months.

While I sometimes struggle to stay on the program, I continue because of Paul’s constant research and attention to the latest motivating ideas and resourceful approaches. I really enjoy how much better I feel when do a Fascial stretch therapy session to get rid of the minor aches and pains.
My workouts have become a positive focus in this new chapter in my life.
Kurtis Conlinn Langley BC